I am loving all the pantry inspiration going on in the blogosphere right now. Two of my favorites are these:
And she got her inspiration from here:
Now, I can't paint my pantry because I'm in apartment, and my pantry is MUCH, MUCH smaller than the ones pictured above, but I made do with what I have.

1. I got these lovely chalk labels from veryjane.com. They are seriously awesome. If you haven't signed up for their emails, you NEED to. I got 10 labels for $7.

2. I got these white wire baskets from the dollar section in Target. They were actually $2.50, but well worth the extra $1.50.

3. I made these little labels on my computer (with Smiley Monster font) and added them onto the wire baskets with twine. Super easy and now it's way easier to find something!

Now I just need to figure something out for the top shelf! How embarrassing!

Linkin' UP!
Wow Me! Wednesday
Will See It Wednesday
What's Up Wednesday's
36th Avenue
Somewhat Simple
Looks awesome! My pantry needs to be prettied up - I gave everything a place but still need to make it pretty!