Well, we DO need a new TV stand.
Have you ever looked for
TV stands for flat screens? There are some pretty ugly ones out there, let me tell ya. But I found some ultra classy ones at tvstands.com.
First off, though, let me show you some reasons why we would need a new TV stand.
Reason #1: Right now, our stand is on what's supposed to be a bench. Which makes it super low. Which makes it very interesting to short people. Not only are there are a million fingerprints on it, the screen has gotten some blows from numerous toys. Ouch.

Reason #2: The TV stand becomes Luke's unofficial table. Because he LOVES to eat and watch TV at the same time (who doesn't?). And, it also becomes storage (can you see the cars behind the TV?). P.S. WOW, I need to dust.

Reason #3: The baskets under the TV are nice, but Luke thinks they're there for him to dump. And their filled with DVDs. So no, Luke, I didn't put those nice DVD-filled baskets under the TV for you. Nice try.

And here are two of my dream stands from tvstands.com:

Ahhh, to dream!